Arc uses the BT brand icons. They are clear, minimal, and consistent across all BT products. The full list of icons can be viewed via the icon reference.
Guidance for creating new icons in the same style can be found on the BT Brand website.
Default state
The default state for an icon uses an outlined style. Use this style throughout your UI most of the time.
Filled state
Arc also provides a filled version for most icons.
By default, icons should use the same colour as text in whichever context they are used. For example, an icon used in an outlined button will use indigo.
Icons can also appear in the correct brand colour for the pathway.
Status Green
Status green icons can be used to indicate a positive state to the user.
Status Amber
Status amber icons can be used to warn the user. This colour only appears on the dark pathway to provide sufficient contrast.
Status Red
Status green icons can be used to indicate a negative state to the user.
In Figma
- Access icons via the Icon component folder.
- Apply icon colours using the Light Surface/Icon and Dark Surface/Icon colour styles.
Usage Guidelines
Don't use fill icons unless the element is selected
Fill icons should only be used to indicate a "selected" state, such as in a toggle interactive, and should not be used just for visual preference.
Arc icons
- ArcIconArc
- ArcIconSocialYouTube
- ArcIconSocialFacebook
- ArcIconSocialInstagram
- ArcIconSocialLinkedin
- ArcIconSocialTwitter
- ArcIconSocialWhatsapp
- ArcIconSocialX
BT outline icons
- BtIcon3G
- BtIcon4G
- BtIcon5G
- BtIconAccessibility
- BtIconAdd
- BtIconAlert
- BtIconAlertTriangle
- BtIconAnswerPoint
- BtIconArchitecture
- BtIconArchive
- BtIconArrowAltDown
- BtIconArrowAltLeft
- BtIconArrowAltLeftRight
- BtIconArrowAltRight
- BtIconArrowAltUp
- BtIconArrowDown
- BtIconArrowLeft
- BtIconArrowLeftRight
- BtIconArrowRight
- BtIconArrowUp
- BtIconAttachment
- BtIconAttachmentAlt
- BtIconBag
- BtIconBasket
- BtIconBin
- BtIconBlockedNumber
- BtIconBoat
- BtIconBroadband
- BtIconBuilding
- BtIconBurgerMenu
- BtIconCake
- BtIconCalender
- BtIconCalenderAccepted
- BtIconCalenderAddEvent
- BtIconCalenderPaymentPlan
- BtIconCalenderPaymentPlanAlt
- BtIconCalenderSpecialDate
- BtIconCallRouting
- BtIconCallerId
- BtIconChat
- BtIconChatMessage
- BtIconChatTyping
- BtIconChevronDown
- BtIconChevronDown2Px
- BtIconChevronDownMid
- BtIconChevronLeft
- BtIconChevronLeft2Px
- BtIconChevronLeftMid
- BtIconChevronRight
- BtIconChevronRight2Px
- BtIconChevronRightMid
- BtIconChevronUp
- BtIconChevronUp2Px
- BtIconChevronUpMid
- BtIconCircle
- BtIconClipboard
- BtIconClipboardTick
- BtIconClock
- BtIconCloud
- BtIconCloudAlert
- BtIconCloudDesktop
- BtIconCloudLink
- BtIconCloudMeeting
- BtIconCloudPhone
- BtIconCloudSecurity
- BtIconCloudUpload
- BtIconCloudUser
- BtIconCollapse
- BtIconCompare
- BtIconComputerChip
- BtIconConnectedCare
- BtIconContactDetails
- BtIconContactNoDetails
- BtIconContacts
- BtIconCreditCard
- BtIconCross
- BtIconCrossAlt
- BtIconCrossAlt2Px
- BtIconDashboard
- BtIconDeposit
- BtIconDesign
- BtIconDeskPhone
- BtIconDetails
- BtIconDetailsGroup
- BtIconDexterity
- BtIconDialPad
- BtIconDialPadWithHand
- BtIconDialledNumberDestination
- BtIconDigitalCollaboration
- BtIconDisability
- BtIconDiscount
- BtIconDivertOnBusy
- BtIconDocument
- BtIconDocumentAndPencil
- BtIconDocumentArticle
- BtIconDocumentBills
- BtIconDocumentDownload
- BtIconDocumentPdf
- BtIconDocumentWithCopy
- BtIconDocumentWithCopyCrossedOut
- BtIconDrone
- BtIconDynamicCollaboration
- BtIconEducation
- BtIconEmailRead
- BtIconEmailUnread
- BtIconEngaged
- BtIconEthernet
- BtIconFaceHappy
- BtIconFaceNeutral
- BtIconFaceSad
- BtIconFaceVeryHappy
- BtIconFirstAid
- BtIconFolder
- BtIconGaming
- BtIconGenderFemale
- BtIconGenderFemaleAndMale
- BtIconGenderMale
- BtIconGenderNeutral
- BtIconGift
- BtIconGlobalConnectivity
- BtIconGlobe
- BtIconGlossary
- BtIconGondola
- BtIconGraphBarAndPlot
- BtIconGraphBarChart
- BtIconGraphDown
- BtIconGraphUp
- BtIconGraphUpAndDown
- BtIconHeadset
- BtIconHeart
- BtIconHeartBroken
- BtIconHeartCare
- BtIconHoldingHeart
- BtIconHome
- BtIconHomeTechExpert
- BtIconHometown
- BtIconHub
- BtIconHubOld
- BtIconHubAndMobile
- BtIconIp
- BtIconIPv6
- BtIconIdea
- BtIconInfo
- BtIconJson
- BtIconJigsaw
- BtIconJourney
- BtIconKey
- BtIconKnifeAndFork
- BtIconLan
- BtIconLaptop
- BtIconLaptopAndMobile
- BtIconLaptopConnectAndShare
- BtIconLaptopDetection
- BtIconLaptopSecure
- BtIconLaptopUsers
- BtIconLaptopVideoConference
- BtIconLayoutGridLarge
- BtIconLayoutGridMedium
- BtIconLayoutGridSmall
- BtIconLayoutRowsLarge
- BtIconLayoutRowsMedium
- BtIconLayoutRowsSmall
- BtIconLeadership
- BtIconLink
- BtIconLiteracyNumeracy
- BtIconLocation
- BtIconLocked
- BtIconLogout
- BtIconMedal
- BtIconMedalWithStar
- BtIconMeetingSpace
- BtIconMegaphone
- BtIconMicrophone
- BtIconMobile
- BtIconMobileTransferCall
- BtIconMobileWithHand
- BtIconMobility
- BtIconMoney
- BtIconMonitor
- BtIconMonitorTick
- BtIconMoon
- BtIconMouse
- BtIconNaming
- BtIconNewWindow
- BtIconNoHearing
- BtIconNoHearingOrSpeech
- BtIconNoSpeech
- BtIconNoView
- BtIconNotification
- BtIconPaperTowel
- BtIconPassword
- BtIconPaymentMethod
- BtIconPayphone
- BtIconPhone
- BtIconPhoneBarred
- BtIconPicture
- BtIconPin
- BtIconPinAlt
- BtIconPlane
- BtIconPlanning
- BtIconPlant
- BtIconPlay
- BtIconPodcast
- BtIconPresentation
- BtIconPrice
- BtIconPrinter
- BtIconProcess
- BtIconProcessMining
- BtIconProcessRoles
- BtIconProportionalCallDistribution
- BtIconQuestion
- BtIconRecycling
- BtIconRefresh
- BtIconRefund
- BtIconRelease
- BtIconResolution4K
- BtIconResolutionHd
- BtIconResolutionSd
- BtIconScale
- BtIconSearch
- BtIconServer
- BtIconSettings
- BtIconSettingsAlt
- BtIconSettingsAlt2
- BtIconShield
- BtIconShieldAdd
- BtIconShieldQuestionMark
- BtIconShieldSecurity
- BtIconShieldTick
- BtIconShip
- BtIconSignal
- BtIconSignalStrength0
- BtIconSignalStrength1
- BtIconSignalStrength2
- BtIconSignalStrength3
- BtIconSignature
- BtIconSignpost
- BtIconSim
- BtIconSimple
- BtIconSkiing
- BtIconSkis
- BtIconSnowboarding
- BtIconSpanner
- BtIconSpeakerFullVolume
- BtIconSpeakerHalfVolume
- BtIconSpeakerLowVolume
- BtIconSpeakerMute
- BtIconSpeedFaster
- BtIconSpeedFastest
- BtIconSpeedGuarantee
- BtIconSpeedSlow
- BtIconSportFootball
- BtIconStar
- BtIconStop
- BtIconStopAlt
- BtIconSuitcase
- BtIconSun
- BtIconSwitch
- BtIconTv
- BtIconTvArial
- BtIconTvAndHub
- BtIconTvAndHubAndPhone
- BtIconTablet
- BtIconTabletWithKeyboard
- BtIconTag
- BtIconTaxonomy
- BtIconTechBar
- BtIconTelemark
- BtIconThumbsDown
- BtIconThumbsUp
- BtIconTick
- BtIconTickAlt2Px
- BtIconTickVariant
- BtIconTree1
- BtIconTree2
- BtIconTrophy
- BtIconUk
- BtIconUkHotspots
- BtIconUsb
- BtIconUnlocked
- BtIconUser
- BtIconUserAdd
- BtIconUserCloud
- BtIconUserDuplicateProfile
- BtIconUserGroups
- BtIconUserParentAndChild
- BtIconUserWithQuestionmark
- BtIconVan
- BtIconView
- BtIconVirus
- BtIconWholeHomeWifi
- BtIconWiFi
- BtIconWizard
- BtIconWorkstation
- BtIconsChevronLeftMid
- BtIconsChevronRightMid
BT Fill icons
- BtIcon3GFill
- BtIcon4GFill
- BtIcon5GFill
- BtIconAccessibilityFill
- BtIconAddFill
- BtIconAlertFill
- BtIconAlertTriangleFill
- BtIconAnswerPointFill
- BtIconArchitectureFill
- BtIconArchiveFill
- BtIconArrowAltDownFill
- BtIconArrowAltLeftFill
- BtIconArrowAltLeftRightFill
- BtIconArrowAltRightFill
- BtIconArrowAltUpFill
- BtIconArrowDownFill
- BtIconArrowLeftFill
- BtIconArrowLeftRightFill
- BtIconArrowRightFill
- BtIconArrowUpFill
- BtIconAttachmentAltFill
- BtIconAttachmentFill
- BtIconBagFill
- BtIconBasketFill
- BtIconBinFill
- BtIconBlockedNumberFill
- BtIconBoatFill
- BtIconBroadbandFill
- BtIconBuildingFill
- BtIconBurgerMenuFill
- BtIconCakeFill
- BtIconCalenderAcceptedFill
- BtIconCalenderAddEventFill
- BtIconCalenderFill
- BtIconCalenderPaymentPlanAltFill
- BtIconCalenderPaymentPlanFill
- BtIconCalenderSpecialDateFill
- BtIconCallRoutingFill
- BtIconCallerIdFill
- BtIconChatFill
- BtIconChatMessageFill
- BtIconChatTypingFill
- BtIconClipboardFill
- BtIconClipboardTickFill
- BtIconClockFill
- BtIconCloudAlertFill
- BtIconCloudDesktopFill
- BtIconCloudFill
- BtIconCloudLinkFill
- BtIconCloudMeetingFill
- BtIconCloudPhoneFill
- BtIconCloudSecurityFill
- BtIconCloudUploadFill
- BtIconCloudUserFill
- BtIconCollapseFill
- BtIconCompareFill
- BtIconComputerChipFill
- BtIconConnectedCareFill
- BtIconContactDetailsFill
- BtIconContactNoDetailsFill
- BtIconContactsFill
- BtIconCreditCardFill
- BtIconCrossAlt2PxFill
- BtIconCrossAltFill
- BtIconCrossFill
- BtIconDashboardFill
- BtIconDepositFill
- BtIconDesignFill
- BtIconDeskPhoneFill
- BtIconDetailsFill
- BtIconDetailsGroupFill
- BtIconDexterityFill
- BtIconDialPadFill
- BtIconDialPadWithHandFill
- BtIconDialledNumberDestinationFill
- BtIconDigitalCollaborationFill
- BtIconDisabilityFill
- BtIconDiscountFill
- BtIconDivertOnBusyFill
- BtIconDocumentAndPencilFill
- BtIconDocumentArticleFill
- BtIconDocumentBillsFill
- BtIconDocumentDownloadFill
- BtIconDocumentFill
- BtIconDocumentPdfFill
- BtIconDocumentWithCopyCrossedOutFill
- BtIconDocumentWithCopyFill
- BtIconDroneFill
- BtIconDynamicCollaborationFill
- BtIconEducationFill
- BtIconEmailReadFill
- BtIconEmailUnreadFill
- BtIconEngagedFill
- BtIconEthernetFill
- BtIconFaceHappyFill
- BtIconFaceNeutralFill
- BtIconFaceSadFill
- BtIconFaceVeryHappyFill
- BtIconFirstAidFill
- BtIconFolderFill
- BtIconGamingFill
- BtIconGenderFemaleAndMaleFill
- BtIconGenderFemaleFill
- BtIconGenderMaleFill
- BtIconGenderNeutralFill
- BtIconGiftFill
- BtIconGlobalConnectivityFill
- BtIconGlobeFill
- BtIconGlossaryFill
- BtIconGondolaFill
- BtIconGraphBarAndPlotFill
- BtIconGraphBarChartFill
- BtIconGraphDownFill
- BtIconGraphUpAndDownFill
- BtIconGraphUpFill
- BtIconHeadsetFill
- BtIconHeartBrokenFill
- BtIconHeartCareFill
- BtIconHeartFill
- BtIconHoldingHeartFill
- BtIconHomeFill
- BtIconHomeTechExpertFill
- BtIconHometownFill
- BtIconHubAndMobileFill
- BtIconHubFill
- BtIconHubOldFill
- BtIconIpFill
- BtIconIPv6Fill
- BtIconIdeaFill
- BtIconInfoFill
- BtIconJsonFill
- BtIconJigsawFill
- BtIconJourneyFill
- BtIconKeyFill
- BtIconKnifeAndForkFill
- BtIconLanFill
- BtIconLaptopAndMobileFill
- BtIconLaptopConnectAndShareFill
- BtIconLaptopDetectionFill
- BtIconLaptopFill
- BtIconLaptopSecureFill
- BtIconLaptopVideoConferenceFill
- BtIconLaptopUsersFill
- BtIconLayoutGridLargeFill
- BtIconLayoutGridMediumFill
- BtIconLayoutGridSmallFill
- BtIconLayoutRowsLargeFill
- BtIconLayoutRowsMediumFill
- BtIconLayoutRowsSmallFill
- BtIconLeadershipFill
- BtIconLinkFill
- BtIconLiteracyNumeracyFill
- BtIconLocationFill
- BtIconLockedFill
- BtIconLogoutFill
- BtIconMedalFill
- BtIconMedalWithStarFill
- BtIconMeetingSpaceFill
- BtIconMegaphoneFill
- BtIconMicrophoneFill
- BtIconMobileFill
- BtIconMobileTransferCallFill
- BtIconMobileWithHandFill
- BtIconMobilityFill
- BtIconMoneyFill
- BtIconMonitorFill
- BtIconMonitorTickFill
- BtIconMoonFill
- BtIconMouseFill
- BtIconNamingFill
- BtIconNewWindowFill
- BtIconNoHearingFill
- BtIconNoHearingOrSpeechFill
- BtIconNoSpeechFill
- BtIconNoViewFill
- BtIconNotificationFill
- BtIconPaperTowelFill
- BtIconPasswordFIll
- BtIconPaymentMethodFill
- BtIconPayphoneFill
- BtIconPhoneBarredFill
- BtIconPhoneFill
- BtIconPictureFill
- BtIconPinAltFill
- BtIconPinFill
- BtIconPlaneFill
- BtIconPlanningFill
- BtIconPlantFill
- BtIconPlayFill
- BtIconPodcastFill
- BtIconPresentationFill
- BtIconPriceFill
- BtIconPrinterFill
- BtIconProcessFill
- BtIconProcessMiningFill
- BtIconProcessRolesFill
- BtIconProportionalCallDistributionFill
- BtIconQuestionFill
- BtIconRecyclingFill
- BtIconRefreshFill
- BtIconRefundFill
- BtIconReleaseFill
- BtIconResolution4KFill
- BtIconResolutionHdFill
- BtIconResolutionSdFill
- BtIconScaleFill
- BtIconSearchFill
- BtIconServerFill
- BtIconSettingsAlt2Fill
- BtIconSettingsAltFill
- BtIconSettingsFill
- BtIconShieldAddFill
- BtIconShieldFill
- BtIconShieldQuestionMarkFIll
- BtIconShieldSecurityFill
- BtIconShieldTickFill
- BtIconShipFill
- BtIconSignalFill
- BtIconSignatureFill
- BtIconSignpostFill
- BtIconSimFill
- BtIconSimpleFill
- BtIconSkiingFill
- BtIconSkisFill
- BtIconSnowboardingFill
- BtIconSpannerFill
- BtIconSpeakerFullVolumeFill
- BtIconSpeakerHalfVolumeFill
- BtIconSpeakerLowVolumeFill
- BtIconSpeakerMuteFill
- BtIconSpeedFasterFill
- BtIconSpeedFastestFill
- BtIconSpeedGuaranteeFill
- BtIconSpeedSlowFill
- BtIconSportFootballFill
- BtIconStarFill
- BtIconStopFill
- BtIconStopAltFill
- BtIconSuitcaseFill
- BtIconSunFill
- BtIconSwitchFill
- BtIconTvArialFill
- BtIconTvFill
- BtIconTvAndHubFill
- BtIconTvAndHubAndPhoneFill
- BtIconTabletFill
- BtIconTabletWithKeyboardFill
- BtIconTagFill
- BtIconTaxonomyFill
- BtIconTechBarFill
- BtIconTelemarkFill
- BtIconThumbsDownFill
- BtIconThumbsUpFill
- BtIconTickAlt2PxFill
- BtIconTickFill
- BtIconTickVariantFill
- BtIconTree1Fill
- BtIconTree2Fill
- BtIconTrophyFill
- BtIconUkFill
- BtIconUkHotspotsFill
- BtIconUsbFill
- BtIconUnlockedFill
- BtIconUserAddFill
- BtIconUserCloudFill
- BtIconUserDuplicateProfileFill
- BtIconUserFill
- BtIconUserGroupsFill
- BtIconUserParentAndChildFill
- BtIconUserWithQuestionmarkFill
- BtIconVanFill
- BtIconViewFill
- BtIconVirusFill
- BtIconWholeHomeWifiFill
- BtIconWiFiFill
- BtIconWizardFill
- BtIconWorkstationFill